

To contact us by e-mail or request literature, please visit the inquiry form.

*Fields marked with an asterisk are required. Privacy policy

Inquiry type
Company name/department

Example: X Company, Y Department, Z Section

Telephone number ※
E-mail address※
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This hotline channel is for consultation and reporting if there is or is likely to be a breach of the law or an ethical conduct, or a violation of human rights in the company's operations.

  1. The name and affiliation of the informant and the content of the consultation will be kept confidential.
  2. The privacy of the informant will be protected, and the contents of reporting/consultation will be kept confidential except to those involved in the investigation.
  3. We will not cause any disadvantage or allow others to do so on the basis of the report or consultation.
  4. Anonymous reporting and consultation is accepted, but please be aware that if you do not submit any documents or evidence and the facts cannot be confirmed, there are limits to the investigations and corrective measures that can be taken.
  5. We will not investigate or respond to consultations that do not relate to specific facts or are aimed at illegal acts such as slander.